There comes a time when we need to act with extraordinary courage. Not just the courage t ...
Stephen Barden
Dr Stephen Barden (DProf) is a coach-mentor and author specialising in identifying, assessing and developing top level leaders and organizational cultures.
He turned to coach-mentoring after 15 years in senior management including ten years as CEO in the media and technology sectors.

Developing Partnering Leaders and Cultures
At the individual and team level, we help leaders develop and maintain skills, behaviours and values to ensure the sustainable success of both their organizations and themselves.
How Successful Leaders Do Business with Their World
By Stephen Barden
In this rigorously researched book, Stephen Barden presents compelling evidence that top leaders learn from a very early age to 'do business with the world' by using their power and authority to partner with it, rather than impose themselves on it. Based on interviews with the military, corporate and educational leaders, How Successful Leaders Do Business with Their World offers powerful insight into how these findings can be applied in practice.
Using the model of the Navigational Stance, we assess candidate leaders to enable potential employers to discover how c-level recruits will use their power once in office.

The Power Of Balance
Let's Talk About Power
We have been sold a myth: that good, successful leaders are fiercely competitive battlers. The aggressive combative leaders we have been taught to admire actually hold a deep seated anxiety that they and their world have a profoundly unbalanced power relationship. That their world is an actual or potential threat. Drawing from his book “How successful leaders do business with their world”, as well as conversations with top leaders, author and coach-mentor Stephen Barden argues that truly successful leaders, those who act on behalf of their entire constituencies, have learned that they and their worlds are partners with a manageable power balance. That their power lies in that balance.
Listen On
Stephen Barden is available to speak about :
- His book, How Successful leaders do business with their world
- His model of The Navigational Stance,
- His work and practice
- The Myths of Leadership
Watch Stephen Speak

Who’s Norm Is It Anyway? Examining The Difference Between Diversity…
I recently had the enormous pleasure of speaking with Jenny Knott. I’ve known Jenny ...
David Lane Interviews Stephen Barden
David Lane of the Professional Development Foundation interviews Stephen Barden about the ...
A conversation with the CEO Whisperer Manfred F.R. Kets De…
I recently sat down with the “CEO Whisperer” Dutch scholar Manfred F.R Kets De Vries whos ...
How Successful Leaders Do Business With Their World: The Balance…
I have been a corporate leader for many years. Later in life, I decided to undertake a do ...
Military Leadership In The Corporate World: The Balance of Power…
One of my findings whilst conducting research for my book, How Successful Leaders do Busi ...
What Makes A Good Leader: The Balance of Power Series
Many of us can explain what makes a bad leader. But if asked to explain what makes great ...
Remembering a Dismembering World
Politicians and commentators, particularly those in the center, persist in m ...
Tell me
"When you hear someone - or you - talking about who is right, their primary concern is abo ...
Leaders just do the job or Leaders: just do the…
Manage an organization in the interests of any group – shareholder, customer or employee – and you become their agent. Run it on behalf of all stakeholders and you become everybody’s agent – just before you become a gibbering wreck.
What Makes A Good Leader: The Balance of Power Series
Many of us can explain what makes a bad leader. But if asked to explain what makes great leaders, it seems much harder to defne.
Remembering a Dismembering World
Politicians and commentators, particularly those in the center, persist in making the mistake that what is happening in the US, Britain and now spreading
Tell me
“When you hear someone – or you – talking about who is right, their primary concern is about power. When they talk about what is right, then you’re